岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告 ISSN 2187-6940
Published by Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University

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豊城 洋輔 積水ハウス株式会社
市南 文一 岡山大学 publons
In this paper, first it is investigated illegally parked bicycles around the Okayama station, withdrawal, storage and return of them. Second, there will be a questionnaire to understand citizen's consciousness and clarify how they have been grasped present condition. Furthermore, it is aimed that considering how to carry out an efficient activity for reducing number of illegally parked bicycles. The results are concluded as follows. It is much more required to strengthening in the criminal prohibition zone by applying withdrawal activities and regulations. Presumably, first it is required to change storage area in order to increase the rate of returned bicycles. Besides, it will be great improvement in rate of return, if definite proportion of area is confidentially secured on storage area near the Okayama station. Moreover, it was remarkable that a citizen was not known in detail about an illegally parked bicycle. On the other side, recognition of most of the suburbanite of Okayama-shi tends to be impervious and replied to affirm illegally parked bicycle. However, the residents who live an area near to station understood the present condition well, and they disapprove to the illegally parked bicycle. Finally, in order to improve present condition, to prevent completely and to decrease the number of illegally parked bicycles publicity work is required.
Illegally Parked Bicycle
Okayama Station
Storage Area
Publicity Work