start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=46 cd-vols= no-issue=5 article-no= start-page=761 end-page=763 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2010 dt-pub=2010 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=A novel method for screening peptides that bind to proteins by using multiple fluorescent amino acids as fluorescent tags en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=We describe a new screening method for simultaneously detecting peptides that bind to a target protein by fluorescence obtained from fluorescent amino acid-modified peptides. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=KitamatsuMizuki en-aut-sei=Kitamatsu en-aut-mei=Mizuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=FutamiMidori en-aut-sei=Futami en-aut-mei=Midori kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=SisidoMasahiko en-aut-sei=Sisido en-aut-mei=Masahiko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil= kn-affil=Department of Medical and Bioengineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University affil-num=2 en-affil= kn-affil=Department of Medical and Bioengineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University affil-num=3 en-affil= kn-affil=Department of Medical and Bioengineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=46 cd-vols= no-issue=48 article-no= start-page=9256 end-page=9258 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2010 dt-pub=2010 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Electrochemical generation of silver acetylides from terminal alkynes with a Ag anode and integration into sequential Pd-catalysed coupling with arylboronic acids en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=An electro-oxidative method for generating silver acetylides from acetylenes with a Ag anode was developed. The reaction could be integrated into a Pd-catalysed electrochemical Sonogashira-type reaction. In the presence of the catalytic amount of Pd(OAc)(2) and 4-BzO-TEMPO, electro-generated silver acetylides reacted immediately with arylboronic acids to afford the corresponding coupling adducts in high yields. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=MitsudoKoichi en-aut-sei=Mitsudo en-aut-mei=Koichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=ShiragaTakuya en-aut-sei=Shiraga en-aut-mei=Takuya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=MizukawaJun-ichi en-aut-sei=Mizukawa en-aut-mei=Jun-ichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=SugaSeiji en-aut-sei=Suga en-aut-mei=Seiji kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=TanakaHideo en-aut-sei=Tanaka en-aut-mei=Hideo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil= kn-affil=Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University affil-num=2 en-affil= kn-affil=Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University affil-num=3 en-affil= kn-affil=Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University affil-num=4 en-affil= kn-affil=Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University affil-num=5 en-affil= kn-affil=Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=15 cd-vols= no-issue=26 article-no= start-page=5549 end-page=5555 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2017 dt-pub=20170613 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Late-stage divergent synthesis and antifouling activity of geraniol-butenolide hybrid molecules en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= Hybrid molecules consisting of geraniol and butenolide were designed and synthesized by the late-stage divergent strategy. In the synthetic route, ring-closing metathesis was utilized for the construction of a butenolide moiety. A biological evaluation of the eight synthetic hybrid compounds revealed that these molecules exhibit antifouling activity against the cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus (Amphibalanus) amphitrite with EC50 values of 0.30-1.31 μg mL-1. These results show that hybridization of the geraniol and butenolide structural motifs resulted in the enhancement of the antifouling activity. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=TakamuraHiroyoshi en-aut-sei=Takamura en-aut-mei=Hiroyoshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OhashiTakumi en-aut-sei=Ohashi en-aut-mei=Takumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=KikuchiTakahiro en-aut-sei=Kikuchi en-aut-mei=Takahiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=EndoNoriyuki en-aut-sei=Endo en-aut-mei=Noriyuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=FukudaYuji en-aut-sei=Fukuda en-aut-mei=Yuji kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=KadotaIsao en-aut-sei=Kadota en-aut-mei=Isao kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Himeji EcoTech Co., Ltd. kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Himeji EcoTech Co., Ltd. kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=11 cd-vols= no-issue= article-no= start-page=179 end-page=184 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2018 dt-pub=20181210 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Chromatographic paper-based analytical devices using an oxidized paper substrate en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= A novel detection scheme using chromatographic retention was proposed for paper-based analytical devices (PADs). Using a wax printer and an ink-jet printer, the PADs consisted of a straight-flow channel, a circular sample zone, and a band of brilliant green (BG) printed at the connection between the sample zone and the flow channel. When a constant volume of a sample solution was applied to the sample zone, the BG band formed a colored bar along the flow channel that marked the adsorption and desorption of the paper substrate according to the principles of chromatography. If the sample solution contained an anionic complex of boric acid with chromotropic acid, the anionic complex enhanced desorption of the BG from the paper substrate via the formation of an ion-pair with the BG, which resulted in an elongated colored bar. Fundamental equations for the retention behavior of the BG on the PADs were derived using a model based on chromatographic principles and ion-pairing formation. A retardation factor, Rf, was correlated with the concentration of boric acid contained in the sample solutions. To enhance the adsorption of the BG, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl was used to oxidize the paper substrate. The oxidized paper substrate shortened the colored bar of a blank solution and formed a clear boundary for the color. When the analytical conditions were optimized for pH and the concentration of chromotropic acid, the PAD permitted the measurement of boric acid for a concentration ranging from 0.3 to 3 mM. The proposed model was validated when the fitting curve was calculated using the derived equations, which resulted in good agreement with the experimental data. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=HashimotoYuki en-aut-sei=Hashimoto en-aut-mei=Yuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=KanetaTakashi en-aut-sei=Kaneta en-aut-mei=Takashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=3 cd-vols= no-issue=31 article-no= start-page=12743 end-page=12750 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2013 dt-pub=20130507 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Effects of hydrophobic hydration on polymer chains immersed in supercooled water en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= A multiscale simulation of a hydrophobic polymer chain immersed in water including the supercooled region is presented. Solvent effects on the polymer conformation were taken into account via liquid–state density functional theory in which a free-energy functional model was constructed using a density response function of bulk water, determined from a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. This approach overcomes sampling problems in simulations of high-viscosity polymer solutions in the deeply supercooled region. Isobars determined from the MD simulations of 4000 water molecules suggest a liquid–liquid transition in the deeply supercooled region. The multiscale simulation reveals that a hydrophobic polymer chain exhibits swelling upon cooling along isobars below a hypothesized second critical pressure; no remarkable swelling is observed at higher pressures. These observations agree with the behavior of a polymer chain in a Jagla solvent model that qualitatively reproduces the thermodynamics and dynamics of liquid water. A theoretical analysis of the results obtained from the multiscale simulation show that a decrease in entropy due to the swelling arises from the formation of a tetrahedral hydrogen bond network in the hydration shell. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=SumiTomonari en-aut-sei=Sumi en-aut-mei=Tomonari kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=SekinoHideo en-aut-sei=Sekino en-aut-mei=Hideo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=16 cd-vols= no-issue=46 article-no= start-page=25492 end-page=25497 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2014 dt-pub=20141017 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Model-potential-free analysis of small angle scattering of proteins in solution: insights into solvent effects on protein-protein interaction en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= To extract protein-protein interaction from experimental small-angle scattering of proteins in solutions using liquid state theory, a model potential consisting of a hard-sphere repulsive potential and the excess interaction potential has been introduced. In the present study, we propose a model-potential-free integral equation method that extracts the excess interaction potential by using the experimental small-angle scattering data without specific model potential such as the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO)-type model. Our analysis of experimental small-angle X-ray scattering data for lysozyme solution shows both the stabilization of contact configurations of protein molecules and a large activation barrier against the formation of the contact configurations in addition to the screened Coulomb repulsion. These characteristic features, which are not well-described by the DLVO-type model, are interpreted as solvent effects. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=SumiTomonari en-aut-sei=Sumi en-aut-mei=Tomonari kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=ImamuraHiroshi en-aut-sei=Imamura en-aut-mei=Hiroshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=MoritaTakeshi en-aut-sei=Morita en-aut-mei=Takeshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=IsogaiYasuhiro en-aut-sei=Isogai en-aut-mei=Yasuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishikawaKeiko en-aut-sei=Nishikawa en-aut-mei=Keiko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Chiba University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Chiba University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Biotechnology, Toyama Prefectural University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Chiba University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=55 cd-vols= no-issue=27 article-no= start-page=3923 end-page=3926 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2019 dt-pub=20190407 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Catalytic enantioselective Hosomi-Sakurai reaction of α-ketoesters promoted by chiral copper(ii) complexes en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract= A catalytic enantioselective Hosomi–Sakurai reaction of α-ketoesters has been developed. A copper(II) complex with a chiral bis(oxazoline) ligand bearing methanesulfonamide groups shows excellent catalytic activity to give α,α-disubstituted α-hydroxyesters in high yields with high enantioselectivities. This is the first successful method for the catalytic enantioselective 1,2-addition of α-ketoesters with allylic silanes. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=NiwaYutaro en-aut-sei=Niwa en-aut-mei=Yutaro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=MiyakeMayu en-aut-sei=Miyake en-aut-mei=Mayu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=HayakawaIchiro en-aut-sei=Hayakawa en-aut-mei=Ichiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakakuraAkira en-aut-sei=Sakakura en-aut-mei=Akira kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=22 cd-vols= no-issue=3 article-no= start-page=458 end-page=466 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2019 dt-pub=20191206 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Transition-metal(ii) complexes with a tripodal hexadentate ligand, 1,1,1-tris[2-aza-3-(imidazol-4-yl)prop-2-enyl]ethane, exhibiting incomplete total or absolute spontaneous resolution en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Crystal structures and crystallisation behaviours of a series of first-row transition-metal(II) complexes bearing 1,1,1-tris[2-aza-3-(imidazol-4-yl)prop-2-enyl]ethane (H3L), [MII(H3L)]Cl(ClO4) (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn) were examined. These compounds crystallise in an orthorhombic crystal system with a non-enantiogenic (Sohncke) space group P212121, resulting in spontaneous resolution of the chiral complex cations. Hydrogen bonds between the imidazole N–H atoms in the tripodal ligand and chloride anions give enantiomorphic crystals with a homochiral three-dimensional network structure. In order to verify the spontaneous resolution of these compounds, solid-state circular dichroism spectra of the resulting single crystals were measured (KBr disk method). Unexpectedly, the observed spectra indicated that imbalanced formation of the enantiomorphic crystals (i.e., left-handed Λ-form vs. right-handed Δ-form complex cations) in all cases. Moreover, in the cases of NiII and ZnII compounds, predominant enantiomorphic crystals formed by spontaneous resolution were always the same (in at least ten of our recrystallisation experiments). These observations suggest that there is a certain (but as yet unknown) factor that affects the predominant deposition of either enantiomorphic crystal when spontaneous resolution takes place from a solution of a racemic mixture in which rapid racemisation occurs. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=MatsushimaMisaki en-aut-sei=Matsushima en-aut-mei=Misaki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=WadaKoki en-aut-sei=Wada en-aut-mei=Koki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakaharaKazuma en-aut-sei=Takahara en-aut-mei=Kazuma kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=SunatsukiYukinari en-aut-sei=Sunatsuki en-aut-mei=Yukinari kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=SuzukiTakayoshi en-aut-sei=Suzuki en-aut-mei=Takayoshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=11 cd-vols= no-issue=22 article-no= start-page=5669 end-page=5675 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200518 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Aluminum porphyrins with quaternary ammonium halides as catalysts for copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide and CO2: metal–ligand cooperative catalysis en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Bifunctional AlIII porphyrins with quaternary ammonium halides, 2-Cl and 2-Br, worked as excellent catalysts for the copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide (CHO) and CO2 at 120 °C. Turnover frequency (TOF) and turnover number (TON) reached 10 000 h−1 and 55 000, respectively, and poly(cyclohexene carbonate) (PCHC) with molecular weight of up to 281 000 was obtained with a catalyst loading of 0.001 mol%. In contrast, bifunctional MgII and ZnII counterparts, 3-Cl and 4-Cl, as well as a binary catalyst system, 1-Cl with bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium chloride (PPNCl), showed poor catalytic performances. Kinetic studies revealed that the reaction rate was first-order in [CHO] and [2-Br] and zero-order in [CO2], and the activation parameters were determined: ΔH‡ = 12.4 kcal mol−1, ΔS‡ = −26.1 cal mol−1 K−1, and ΔG‡ = 21.6 kcal mol−1 at 80 °C. Comparative DFT calculations on two model catalysts, AlIII complex 2′ and MgII complex 3′, allowed us to extract key factors in the catalytic behavior of the bifunctional AlIII catalyst. The high polymerization activity and carbonate-linkage selectivity originate from the cooperative actions of the metal center and the quaternary ammonium cation, both of which facilitate the epoxide-ring opening by the carbonate anion to form the carbonate linkage in the key transition state such as TS3b (ΔH‡ = 13.3 kcal mol−1, ΔS‡ = −3.1 cal mol−1 K−1, and ΔG‡ = 14.4 kcal mol−1 at 80 °C). en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=DengJingyuan en-aut-sei=Deng en-aut-mei=Jingyuan kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=RatanasakManussada en-aut-sei=Ratanasak en-aut-mei=Manussada kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakoYuma en-aut-sei=Sako en-aut-mei=Yuma kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=TokudaHideki en-aut-sei=Tokuda en-aut-mei=Hideki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=MaedaChihiro en-aut-sei=Maeda en-aut-mei=Chihiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=HasegawaJun-ya en-aut-sei=Hasegawa en-aut-mei=Jun-ya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=NozakiKyoko en-aut-sei=Nozaki en-aut-mei=Kyoko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=EmaTadashi en-aut-sei=Ema en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=8 cd-vols= no-issue=22 article-no= start-page=7422 end-page=7435 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200418 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Synthesis of [7]phenacene incorporating tetradecyl chains in the axis positions and its application in field-effect transistors en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Field-effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated using a new type of phenacene molecule, 3,12-ditetradecyl[7]phenacene ((C14H29)2-[7]phenacene), and solid gate dielectrics or an electric double layer (EDL) capacitor with an ionic liquid (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (bmim[PF6])). The new molecule, (C14H29)2-[7]phenacene, was efficiently synthesized via the Mallory photoreaction. Its crystal structure and electronic properties were determined, using X-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM and STS), absorption spectroscopy, and photoelectron yield spectroscopy, which showed a monoclinic crystal lattice (space group P21 (no. 4)) and an energy gap of ∼3.0 eV. The STM image clearly showed the molecular structure of (C14H29)2-[7]phenacene, as well as the closed molecular stacking, indicative of a strong fastener effect between alkyl chains. The X-ray diffraction pattern of thin films of (C14H29)2-[7]phenacene formed on a SiO2/Si substrate suggested that the molecule stood on the surface with an inclined angle of 30° with respect to the normal axis of the surface. The FET properties were recorded in two-terminal measurement mode, showing p-channel normally-off characteristics. The averaged values of field-effect mobility, μ, were 1.6(3) cm2 V−1 s−1 for a (C14H29)2-[7]phenacene thin-film FET with a SiO2 gate dielectric and 6(4) × 10−1 cm2 V−1 s−1 for a (C14H29)2-[7]phenacene thin-film EDL FET with bmim[PF6]. Thus, higher FET performance was obtained with an FET using a thin film of (C14H29)2-[7]phenacene compared to parent [7]phenacene. This study could pioneer an avenue for the realization of high-performance FETs through the addition of alkyl chains to phenacene molecules. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=OkamotoHideki en-aut-sei=Okamoto en-aut-mei=Hideki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=HamaoShino en-aut-sei=Hamao en-aut-mei=Shino kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=KozasaKeiko en-aut-sei=Kozasa en-aut-mei=Keiko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=WangYanan en-aut-sei=Wang en-aut-mei=Yanan kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=KubozonoYoshihiro en-aut-sei=Kubozono en-aut-mei=Yoshihiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=PanYong-He en-aut-sei=Pan en-aut-mei=Yong-He kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=YenYu-Hsiang en-aut-sei=Yen en-aut-mei=Yu-Hsiang kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=HoffmannGermar en-aut-sei=Hoffmann en-aut-mei=Germar kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=TaniFumito en-aut-sei=Tani en-aut-mei=Fumito kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=GotoKenta en-aut-sei=Goto en-aut-mei=Kenta kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Physics & Center for Quantum Technology, National Tsing Hua University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Physics & Center for Quantum Technology, National Tsing Hua University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Physics & Center for Quantum Technology, National Tsing Hua University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=11 cd-vols= no-issue=23 article-no= start-page=5866 end-page=5873 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200601 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Carbon-rich materials with three-dimensional ordering at the angstrom level en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Carbon-rich materials, which contain over 90% carbon, have been mainly synthesized by the carbonization of organic compounds. However, in many cases, their original molecular and ordered structures are decomposed by the carbonization process, which results in a failure to retain their original three-dimensional (3D) ordering at the angstrom level. Recently, we successfully produced carbon-rich materials that are able to retain their 3D ordering at the angstrom level even after the calcination of organic porous pillar[6]arene supramolecular assemblies and cyclic porphyrin dimer assemblies. Other new pathways to prepare carbon-rich materials with 3D ordering at the angstrom level are the controlled polymerization of designed monomers and redox reaction of graph. Electrocatalytic application using these materials is described. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=FaShixin en-aut-sei=Fa en-aut-mei=Shixin kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoMasanori en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Masanori kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishiharaHirotomo en-aut-sei=Nishihara en-aut-mei=Hirotomo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=SakamotoRyota en-aut-sei=Sakamoto en-aut-mei=Ryota kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=KamiyaKazuhide en-aut-sei=Kamiya en-aut-mei=Kazuhide kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishinaYuta en-aut-sei=Nishina en-aut-mei=Yuta kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=OgoshiTomoki en-aut-sei=Ogoshi en-aut-mei=Tomoki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=7 cd-vols= no-issue=21 article-no= start-page=9894 end-page=9897 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2011 dt-pub=20110913 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Continuous fabrication of monodisperse polylactide microspheres by droplet-to-particle technology using microfluidic emulsification and emulsion–solvent diffusion en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Monodisperse polylactide (PLA) microspheres were continuously fabricated by microfluidic emulsification and subsequent dilution in water. The diameter was precisely tuned from 6 to 50 μm by changing the flow rate of the fluids in microfluidics or the PLA concentration in the dispersed phase. The use of amphiphilic oil-soluble poly(ethylene glycol)-b-polylactide (o-PEG–PLA) as a matrix resulted in a highly porous microsphere morphology, and the porosity was controlled by blending PLA. Therefore, monodisperse PLA microspheres with the predetermined surface porosity were continuously produced by just enough reagents and energy. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=WatanabeTakaichi en-aut-sei=Watanabe en-aut-mei=Takaichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoTsutomu en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Tsutomu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=KimuraYukitaka en-aut-sei=Kimura en-aut-mei=Yukitaka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Material and Energy Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Material and Energy Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Material and Energy Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=16 cd-vols= no-issue=6 article-no= start-page=1572 end-page=1581 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2019 dt-pub=20191223 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Preparation of tough, thermally stable, and water-resistant double-network ion gels consisting of silica nanoparticles/poly(ionic liquid)s through photopolymerisation of an ionic monomer and subsequent solvent removal en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=We report the preparation of tough, thermally stable, and water-resistant double-network (DN) ion gels, which consist of a partially-clustered silica nanoparticle network and poly(ionic liquid) (PIL) network holding an ionic liquid. Silica nanoparticles/poly([Evim][Tf2N]) DN ion gels are prepared by photo-induced radical polymerisation of [Evim][Tf2N] in a mixture containing silica nanoparticles, [Bmim][Tf2N], ionic liquid based cross-linker [(VIM)2C4][Tf2N]2, and ethyl acetate, followed by subsequent solvent evaporation. Tensile strength measurements show that the mechanical properties of the PIL DN ion gels were higher than those of the PIL single-network (SN) ion gel. A rheological study indicates that an enhancement in mechanical strength of the PIL DN ion gels can be achieved when silica nanoparticles form partial clusters in [Bmim][Tf2N]. The cyclic stress–strain measurement of the PIL DN ion gels shows hysteresis loops, suggesting that the silica nanoparticle clusters rupture and dissipate the loading energy when the PIL DN ion gels undergo a large deformation. The fracture strength and Young's modulus of the PIL DN ion gels increase as the diameter of the silica nanoparticles is decreased. Thermogravimetric analysis measurement shows that the PIL DN ion gel has a high decomposition temperature of approximately 400 °C. Moreover, the swelling test shows that the PIL DN ion gel possesses an excellent water-resistant property because of the hydrophobic nature of the PIL backbone. We believe that such tough, thermally stable, and water-resistant PIL DN ion gels can be used as carbon dioxide separation membranes, sensors, and actuators for soft robotics. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=WatanabeTakaichi en-aut-sei=Watanabe en-aut-mei=Takaichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakahashiRuri en-aut-sei=Takahashi en-aut-mei=Ruri kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoTsutomu en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Tsutomu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=4 cd-vols= no-issue=10 article-no= start-page=4872 end-page=4877 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2013 dt-pub=20131210 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Monodisperse polylactide microcapsules with a single aqueous core prepared via spontaneous emulsification and solvent diffusion en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=A simple approach to preparing monodisperse poly(D,L-lactide) (PDLLA) microcapsules with a single aqueous core is developed. The method is based on automatic water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion formation from oil-in-water single emulsion via spontaneous emulsification which voluntarily disperses part of continuous aqueous phase into the dispersed oil phase dissolving oil-soluble amphiphilic diblock copolymer, poly(D,L-lactide)-b-poly(2-dimethylaminoethyl methacylate)(PDLLA-b-PDMAEMA), followed by coalescence of tiny water droplets within the polymer droplets, coupled with quick precipitation of polymers by diluting the emulsion with water. In this study, we have investigated the effect of PDLLA to PDLLA-b-PDMAEMA ratios and flow rates of each solution during preparing the emulsion on the final morphology and the size of the microcapsules. It was found that the polymer blend ratio played a crucial role in determining internal structure of the microcapsules. The microcapsules size decreased with the increment of the flow rate ratios of the continuous phase to the dispersed phase and eventually reached 10 μm, while maintaining narrow size distribution. In addition, we have demonstrated that the microcapsules can encapsulate both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds during the formation. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=WatanabeTakaichi en-aut-sei=Watanabe en-aut-mei=Takaichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=KimuraYukitaka en-aut-sei=Kimura en-aut-mei=Yukitaka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoTsutomu en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Tsutomu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Material and Energy Science, Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=8 cd-vols= no-issue=29 article-no= start-page=14472 end-page=14481 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200519 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Mechanisms for overcharging of carbon electrodes in lithium-ion/sodium-ion batteries analysed by operando solid-state NMR en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=A precise understanding of the mechanism for metal (Li and Na) plating on negative electrodes that occurs with overcharging is critical to managing the safety of lithium- and sodium-ion batteries. In this work, an in-depth investigation of the overlithiation/oversodiation and subsequent delithiation/desodiation of graphite and hard carbon electrodes in the first cycle was conducted using operando7Li/23Na solid-state NMR. In the 7Li NMR spectra of half cells of carbon electrodes and metal counter electrodes, three types of signals corresponding to Li dendrites that formed on the surface of graphite, hard carbon, and the counter electrode were distinguished from the signal of Li metal foil of the counter electrode by applying an appropriate orientation of the testing cell. For graphite overlithiation, the deposition of Li dendrites started immediately or soon after the minimum electric potential in the lithiation curve. In contrast, the deposition of Li dendrites in hard carbon started after the end of quasimetallic lithium formation for overlithiation at rates below 3.0C. Similar behaviour was also observed for the oversodiation of hard carbon. The formation of quasimetallic Li or Na in the pores of hard carbon serves as a buffer for the metal plating that occurs with overcharging of the batteries. Furthermore, some of the deposited Li/Na dendrites contribute to reversible capacities. A mechanism for the inhomogeneous disappearance of quasimetallic Li during delithiation of hard carbon is also proposed. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=GotohKazuma en-aut-sei=Gotoh en-aut-mei=Kazuma kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamakamiTomu en-aut-sei=Yamakami en-aut-mei=Tomu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishimuraIshin en-aut-sei=Nishimura en-aut-mei=Ishin kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=KometaniHina en-aut-sei=Kometani en-aut-mei=Hina kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=AndoHideka en-aut-sei=Ando en-aut-mei=Hideka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=HashiKenjiro en-aut-sei=Hashi en-aut-mei=Kenjiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=ShimizuTadashi en-aut-sei=Shimizu en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=IshidaHiroyuki en-aut-sei=Ishida en-aut-mei=Hiroyuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=National Institute for Materials Science kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=National Institute for Materials Science kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=12 cd-vols= no-issue=42 article-no= start-page=21780 end-page=21787 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200928 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Iron nanoparticle templates for constructing 3D graphene framework with enhanced performance in sodium-ion batteries en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=This study examines the synthesis and electrochemical performance of three-dimensional graphene for Li-ion batteries and Na-ion batteries. The in situ formation of iron hydroxide nanoparticles (Fe(OH)x NPs) of various weights on the surface of graphene oxide, followed by thermal treatment at elevated temperature and washing using hydrochloric acid, furnished 3D graphene. The characterization studies confirmed the prevention of graphene layer stacking by over 90% compared with thermal treatment without Fe(OH)x. The electrochemical performance of the 3D graphene was evaluated as a counter electrode for lithium metal and sodium metal in a half-cell configuration. This material showed good performances with a charging capacity of 507 mA h g−1 at 372 mA g−1 in Li-ion batteries and 252 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 in Na-ion batteries, which is 1.4 and 1.9 times higher, respectively, than the graphene prepared without Fe(OH)x templates. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=CampéonBenoît D. L. en-aut-sei=Campéon en-aut-mei=Benoît D. L. kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=WangChen en-aut-sei=Wang en-aut-mei=Chen kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishinaYuta en-aut-sei=Nishina en-aut-mei=Yuta kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=45 article-no= start-page=26686 end-page=26692 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200716 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=A new protocol for the preparation of superconducting KBi2 en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=A superconducting KBi2 sample was successfully prepared using a liquid ammonia (NH3) technique. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility (M/H) showed a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) as high as 3.6 K. In addition, the shielding fraction at 2.0 K was evaluated to be 87%, i.e., a bulk superconductor was realized using the above method. The Tc value was the same as that reported for the KBi2 sample prepared using a high-temperature annealing method. An X-ray diffraction pattern measured based on the synchrotron X-ray radiation was analyzed using the Rietveld method, with a lattice constant, a, of 9.5010(1) Å under the space group of Fd[3 with combining macron]m (face-centered cubic, no. 227). The lattice constant and space group found for the KBi2 sample using a liquid NH3 technique were the same as those reported for KBi2 through a high-temperature annealing method. Thus, the superconducting behavior and crystal structure of the KBi2 sample obtained in this study are almost the same as those for the KBi2 sample reported previously. Strictly speaking, the magnetic behavior of the superconductivity was different from that of a KBi2 sample reported previously, i.e., the KBi2 sample prepared using a liquid NH3 technique was a type-II like superconductor, contrary to that prepared using a high-temperature annealing method, the reason for which is fully discussed. These results indicate that the liquid NH3 technique is effective and simple for the preparation of a superconducting KBi2. In addition, the topological nature of the superconductivity for KBi2 was not confirmed. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=LiHuan en-aut-sei=Li en-aut-mei=Huan kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=WangYanan en-aut-sei=Wang en-aut-mei=Yanan kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishiyamaSaki en-aut-sei=Nishiyama en-aut-mei=Saki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=YangXiaofan en-aut-sei=Yang en-aut-mei=Xiaofan kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=TaguchiTomoya en-aut-sei=Taguchi en-aut-mei=Tomoya kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=MiuraAkari en-aut-sei=Miura en-aut-mei=Akari kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=SuzukiAi en-aut-sei=Suzuki en-aut-mei=Ai kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=ZhiLei en-aut-sei=Zhi en-aut-mei=Lei kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=GotoHidenori en-aut-sei=Goto en-aut-mei=Hidenori kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=EguchiRitsuko en-aut-sei=Eguchi en-aut-mei=Ritsuko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=KambeTakashi en-aut-sei=Kambe en-aut-mei=Takashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= en-aut-name=LiaoYen-Fa en-aut-sei=Liao en-aut-mei=Yen-Fa kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=12 ORCID= en-aut-name=IshiiHirofumi en-aut-sei=Ishii en-aut-mei=Hirofumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=13 ORCID= en-aut-name=KubozonoYoshihiro en-aut-sei=Kubozono en-aut-mei=Yoshihiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=14 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Physics, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=12 en-affil=National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center kn-affil= affil-num=13 en-affil=National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center kn-affil= affil-num=14 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=2 cd-vols= no-issue=10 article-no= start-page=4417 end-page=4420 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200824 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Bottom-up synthesis of nitrogen-doped nanocarbons by a combination of metal catalysis and a solution plasma process en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=We aimed to develop the bottom-up synthesis of nanocarbons with specific functions from molecules without any leaving group, halogen atom and boronic acid, by employing a metal catalyst under solution plasma irradiation. Pyridine was used as a source of carbon. In the presence of a Pd catalyst, the plasma treatment enabled the synthesis of N-doped carbons with a pyridinic configuration, which worked as an active catalytic site for the oxygen reduction reaction. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=ZhouYang en-aut-sei=Zhou en-aut-mei=Yang kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishinaYuta en-aut-sei=Nishina en-aut-mei=Yuta kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=62 article-no= start-page=37743 end-page=37748 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20201013 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=One-pot synthesis of poly(ionic liquid)s with 1,2,3-triazolium-based backbones via clickable ionic liquid monomers en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Clickable α-azide-ω-alkyne ionic liquid monomers were developed and subsequently applied to the one-pot synthesis of ionically conducting poly(ionic liquid)s with 1,2,3-triazolium-based backbones through a click chemistry strategy. This approach does not require the use of solvents, polymerisation mediators, or catalysts. The obtained poly(ionic liquid)s were characterized by NMR, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and impedance spectroscopy analysis. Moreover, these poly(ionic liquid)s were cross-linked via N-alkylation with a dianion quarternizing agent to achieve enhanced ionic conductivity and mechanical strength. The resulting free-standing films showed a Young's modulus up to 4.8 MPa and ionic conductivities up to 4.60 × 10−8 S cm−1 at 30 °C. This facile synthetic strategy has the potential to expand the availability of poly(ionic liquid)s and promote the development of functional materials. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=HiraiRuka en-aut-sei=Hirai en-aut-mei=Ruka kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=HibinoTatsuki en-aut-sei=Hibino en-aut-mei=Tatsuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=WatanabeTakaichi en-aut-sei=Watanabe en-aut-mei=Takaichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoTsutomu en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Tsutomu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=11 cd-vols= no-issue=2 article-no= start-page=838 end-page=846 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2021 dt-pub=20210104 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Adsorption enhancement of nitrogen gas by atomically heterogeneous nanospace of boron nitride en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=In this study, porous boron nitride (p-BN) with hexagonal phase boron nitride (h-BN) pore walls was synthesized using high-temperature calcination. Negligible variation in pore-wall structure can be observed in powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) profiles and infrared (IR) spectra. However, a highly stable p-BN with a stable pore structure even at 973 K under the oxidative conditions is obtained when synthesized at higher than 1573 K under nitrogen gas flow. For p-BN, this stability is obtained by generating h-BN microcrystals. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms at 77 K provide type-IV features and typical adsorption–desorption hysteresis, which suggests micropore and mesopore formation. Moreover, adsorption–desorption isotherms of Ar at 87 K are measured and compared with those of nitrogen. The relative adsorbed amount of nitrogen (i.e., the amount of nitrogen normalized by that of Ar at each relative pressure or adsorption potential value) on p-BN is considerably larger than that on microporous carbon at low-pressure regions, which suggests the existence of strong adsorption sites on the p-BN surface. In fact, the relative number of adsorbed nitrogen molecules to that of Ar on p-BN is, at most, 150%–200% larger than that on microporous carbon for the same adsorption potential state. Furthermore, additional adsorption enhancement to nitrogen between P/P0 = 10−5 and 10−3 can be observed for p-BN treated at 1673 K, which suggests the uniformly adsorbed layer formation of nitrogen molecules in the vicinity of a basal planar surface. Thus, unlike typical nanoporous sp2 carbons, p-BN materials have the potential to enhance adsorption for certain gas species because of their unique surface state. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=KimuraJun en-aut-sei=Kimura en-aut-mei=Jun kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OhkuboTakahiro en-aut-sei=Ohkubo en-aut-mei=Takahiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name= NishinaYuta en-aut-sei= Nishina en-aut-mei=Yuta kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=UritaKoki en-aut-sei=Urita en-aut-mei=Koki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=KurodaYasushige en-aut-sei=Kuroda en-aut-mei=Yasushige kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=12 cd-vols= no-issue=10 article-no= start-page=3509 end-page=3515 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2021 dt-pub=20210119 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Structural elucidation of a methylenation reagent of esters: synthesis and reactivity of a dinuclear titanium(iii) methylene complex en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Transmetallation of a zinc methylene complex [ZnI(tmeda)](2)(mu-CH2) with a titanium(iii) chloride [TiCl3(tmeda)(thf)] produced a titanium methylene complex. The X-ray diffraction study displayed a dinuclear methylene structure [TiCl(tmeda)](2)(mu-CH2)(mu-Cl)(2). Treatment of an ester with the titanium methylene complex resulted in methylenation of the ester carbonyl to form a vinyl ether. The titanium methylene complex also reacted with a terminal olefin, resulting in olefin-metathesis and olefin-homologation. Cyclopropanation by methylene transfer from the titanium methylene proceeded by use of a 1,3-diene. The mechanistic study of the cyclopropanation reaction by the density functional theory calculations was also reported. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=KurogiTakashi en-aut-sei=Kurogi en-aut-mei=Takashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=KurokiKaito en-aut-sei=Kuroki en-aut-mei=Kaito kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=MoritaniShunsuke en-aut-sei=Moritani en-aut-mei=Shunsuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakaiKazuhiko en-aut-sei=Takai en-aut-mei=Kazuhiko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of National Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of National Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of National Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of National Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol= cd-vols= no-issue= article-no= start-page=1 end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2021 dt-pub=2021 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Chromium carbides and cyclopropenylidenes en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Carbon tetrabromide can be reduced with CrBr2 in THF to form a dinuclear carbido complex, [CrBr2(thf)(2))][CrBr2(thf)(3)](mu-C), along with formation of [CrBr3(thf)(3)]. An X-ray diffraction (XRD) study of the pyridine adduct displayed a dinuclear structure bridged by a carbido ligand between 5- and 6-coordinate chromium centers. The carbido complex reacted with two equivalents of aldehydes to form alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones. Treatment of the carbido complex with alkenes resulted in a formal double-cyclopropanation of alkenes by the carbido moiety to afford spiropentanes. Isotope labeling studies using a C-13-enriched carbido complex, [CrBr2(thf)(2))][CrBr2(thf)(3)](mu-C-13), identified that the quaternary carbon in the spiropentane framework was delivered by carbide transfer from the carbido complex. Terminal and internal alkynes also reacted with the carbido complex to form cyclopropenylidene complexes. A solid-state structure of the diethylcyclopropenylidene complex, prepared from 3-hexyne, showed a mononuclear cyclopropenylidene chromium(iii) structure. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=KurogiTakashi en-aut-sei=Kurogi en-aut-mei=Takashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=IrifuneKeiichi en-aut-sei=Irifune en-aut-mei=Keiichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=TakaiKazuhiko en-aut-sei=Takai en-aut-mei=Kazuhiko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol= cd-vols= no-issue= article-no= start-page= end-page= dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2021 dt-pub=20211018 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Chiral exciplex dyes showing circularly polarized luminescence: extension of the excimer chirality rule en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=A series of axially chiral binaphthyls and quaternaphthyls possessing two kinds of aromatic fluorophores, such as pyrenyl, perylenyl, and 4-(dimethylamino)phenyl groups, arranged alternately were synthesized by a divergent method. In the excited state, the fluorophores selectively formed a unidirectionally twisted exciplex (excited heterodimer) by a cumulative steric effect and exhibited circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). They are the first examples of a monomolecular exciplex CPL dye. This versatile method for producing exciplex CPL dyes also improved fluorescence intensity, and the CPL properties were not very sensitive to the solvent or to the temperature owing to the conformationally rigid exciplex. This systematic study allowed us to confirm that the excimer chirality rule can be applied to the exciplex dyes: left- and right-handed exciplexes with a twist angle of less than 90 degrees exhibit (-)- and (+)-CPL, respectively. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=TakaishiKazuto en-aut-sei=Takaishi en-aut-mei=Kazuto kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=MurakamiSho en-aut-sei=Murakami en-aut-mei=Sho kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=IwachidoKazuhiro en-aut-sei=Iwachido en-aut-mei=Kazuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=EmaTadashi en-aut-sei=Ema en-aut-mei=Tadashi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Division of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=10 cd-vols= no-issue=52 article-no= start-page=31547 end-page=31552 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2020 dt-pub=20200826 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Facile synthesis of picenes incorporating imide moieties at both edges of the molecule and their application to n-channel field-effect transistors en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Picene derivatives incorporating imide moieties along the long-axis direction of the picene core (Cn-PicDIs) were conveniently synthesized through a four-step synthesis. Photochemical cyclization of dinaphthylethenes was used as the key step for constructing the picene skeleton. Field-effect transistor (FET) devices of Cn-PicDIs were fabricated by using ZrO2 as a gate substrate and their FET characteristics were investigated. The FET devices showed normally-off n-channel operation; the averaged electron mobility (μ) was evaluated to be 2(1) × 10−4, 1.0(6) × 10−1 and 1.4(3) × 10−2 cm2 V−1 s−1 for C4-PicDI, C8-PicDI and C12-PicDI, respectively. The maximum μ value as high as 2.0 × 10−1 cm2 V−1 s−1 was observed for C8-PicDI. The electronic spectra of Cn-PicDIs in solution showed the same profiles irrespective of the alkyl chain lengths. In contrast, in thin films, the UV absorption and photoelectron yield spectroscopy (PYS) indicated that the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) level of Cn-PicDIs gradually lowered upon the elongation of the alkyl chains, suggesting that the alkyl chains modify intermolecular interactions between the Cn-PicDI molecules in thin films. The present results provide a new strategy for constructing a high performance n-channel organic semiconductor material by utilizing the electronic features of phenacenes. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=GuoYuxin en-aut-sei=Guo en-aut-mei=Yuxin kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=YoshiokaKaito en-aut-sei=Yoshioka en-aut-mei=Kaito kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=HamaoShino en-aut-sei=Hamao en-aut-mei=Shino kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=KubozonoYoshihiro en-aut-sei=Kubozono en-aut-mei=Yoshihiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=TaniFumito en-aut-sei=Tani en-aut-mei=Fumito kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=GotoKenta en-aut-sei=Goto en-aut-mei=Kenta kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=OkamotoHideki en-aut-sei=Okamoto en-aut-mei=Hideki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Division of Earth, Life, and Molecular Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Division of Earth, Life, and Molecular Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Division of Earth, Life, and Molecular Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=13 cd-vols= no-issue=11 article-no= start-page=7222 end-page=7224 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2023 dt-pub=20230306 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Correction: Convergent evolution of animal and microbial rhodopsins en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Correction for 'Convergent evolution of animal and microbial rhodopsins' by Keiichi Kojima et al., RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 5367-5381, en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=KojimaKeiichi en-aut-sei=Kojima en-aut-mei=Keiichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=SudoYuki en-aut-sei=Sudo en-aut-mei=Yuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=19 cd-vols= no-issue=15 article-no= start-page=2745 end-page=2754 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2023 dt-pub=20230323 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Toughening of poly(ionic liquid)-based ion gels with cellulose nanofibers as a sacrificial network en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Ion gels have the potential to be used in a broad range of applications, such as in carbon dioxide separation membranes and soft electronics. However, their low mechanical strength limits their practical applications. In this study, we developed double-network (DN) ion gels composed of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers with hydrophobic groups (TOCNF) and cross-linked poly[1-ethyl-3-vinylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide] (PC2im-TFSI) networks. The mechanical strength of the gel increased as the amount of TOCNF in the gels increased up to 6 wt%. Moreover, the fracture energy of the DN ion gels with 6 wt% TOCNF was found to be 19 times higher than that of the PC2im-TFSI single network (SN) ion gels. Cyclic stress-strain measurements of the DN gels showed that the loading energy on the gels dissipates owing to the destruction of the physically cross-linked TOCNF network in the gels. The DN ion gels also exhibited a high decomposition temperature of approximately 400 degrees C because of the thermal stability of all components. Additionally, the fracture energy of the TOCNF/poly(ionic liquid) (PIL) DN ion gel was two times higher than that of the silica nanoparticles/PIL DN ion gel developed in our previous study [Watanabe et al., Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 1572-1581]. This suggests that fiber-shaped nanomaterials are more effective than spherical nanomaterials in enhancing the mechanical properties of ion gels. These results show that TOCNF can be used to toughen PIL-based ion gels and hence broaden their applications. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=WatanabeTakaichi en-aut-sei=Watanabe en-aut-mei=Takaichi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=OeEmiho en-aut-sei=Oe en-aut-mei=Emiho kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=MizutaniYuna en-aut-sei=Mizutani en-aut-mei=Yuna kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=OnoTsutomu en-aut-sei=Ono en-aut-mei=Tsutomu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Natural Science, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=14 cd-vols= no-issue=42 article-no= start-page=11914 end-page=11923 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2023 dt-pub=20231017 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=An emissive charge-transfer excited-state at the well-defined hetero-nanostructure interface of an organic conjugated molecule and two-dimensional inorganic nanosheet en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Precise engineering of excited-state interactions between an organic conjugated molecule and a two-dimensional semiconducting inorganic nanosheet, specifically the manipulation of charge-transfer excited (CTE) states, still remains a challenge for state-of-the-art photochemistry. Herein, we report a long-lived, highly emissive CTE state at structurally well-defined hetero-nanostructure interfaces of photoactive pyrene and two-dimensional MoS2 nanosheets via an N-benzylsuccinimide bridge (Py-Bn-MoS2). Spectroscopic measurements reveal that no charge-transfer state is formed in the ground state, but the locally-excited (LE) state of pyrene in Py-Bn-MoS2 efficiently generates an unusual emissive CTE state. Theoretical studies elucidate the interaction of MoS2 vacant orbitals with the pyrene LE state to form a CTE state that shows a distinct solvent dependence of the emission energy. This is the first example of organic-inorganic 2D hetero-nanostructures displaying mixed luminescence properties by an accurate design of the bridge structure, and therefore represents an important step in their applications for energy conversion and optoelectronic devices and sensors. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=UmeyamaTomokazu en-aut-sei=Umeyama en-aut-mei=Tomokazu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=MizutaniDaizu en-aut-sei=Mizutani en-aut-mei=Daizu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=IkedaYuki en-aut-sei=Ikeda en-aut-mei=Yuki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=OsterlohW. Ryan en-aut-sei=Osterloh en-aut-mei=W. Ryan kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamamotoFuta en-aut-sei=Yamamoto en-aut-mei=Futa kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=KatoKosaku en-aut-sei=Kato en-aut-mei=Kosaku kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=YamakataAkira en-aut-sei=Yamakata en-aut-mei=Akira kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=HigashiMasahiro en-aut-sei=Higashi en-aut-mei=Masahiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=UrakamiTakumi en-aut-sei=Urakami en-aut-mei=Takumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=SatoHirofumi en-aut-sei=Sato en-aut-mei=Hirofumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=ImahoriHiroshi en-aut-sei=Imahori en-aut-mei=Hiroshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=14 cd-vols= no-issue=32 article-no= start-page=23177 end-page=23183 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2024 dt-pub=20240723 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Lead-free iron-doped Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite with tunable properties en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Perovskite based on cesium bismuth bromide offers a compelling, non-toxic alternative to lead-containing counterparts in optoelectronic applications. However, its widespread usage is hindered by its wide bandgap. This study investigates a significant bandgap tunability achieved by introducing Fe doping into the inorganic, lead-free, non-toxic, and stable Cs3Bi2Br9 perovskite at varying concentrations. The materials were synthesized using a facile method, with the aim of tuning the optoelectronic properties of the perovskite materials. Characterization through techniques such as X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and UV-vis spectroscopy was conducted to elucidate the transformation mechanism of the doping materials. The substitution process results in a significant change in the bandgap energy, transforming from the pristine Cs3Bi2Br9 with a bandgap of 2.54 eV to 1.78 eV upon 70% Fe doping. The addition of 50% Fe in Cs3Bi2Br9 leads to the formation of the orthorhombic structure in Cs2(Bi,Fe)Br5 perovskite, while complete Fe alloying at 100% results in the phase formation of CsFeBr4 perovskite. Our findings on regulation of bandgap energy and crystal structure through B site substitution hold significant promise for applications in optoelectronics. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=HtunThiri en-aut-sei=Htun en-aut-mei=Thiri kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=ElattarAmr en-aut-sei=Elattar en-aut-mei=Amr kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=ElbohyHytham en-aut-sei=Elbohy en-aut-mei=Hytham kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=TsutsumiKosei en-aut-sei=Tsutsumi en-aut-mei=Kosei kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=HoriganeKazumasa en-aut-sei=Horigane en-aut-mei=Kazumasa kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=NakanoChiyu en-aut-sei=Nakano en-aut-mei=Chiyu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=GuXiaoyu en-aut-sei=Gu en-aut-mei=Xiaoyu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=SuzukiHiroo en-aut-sei=Suzuki en-aut-mei=Hiroo kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=NishikawaTakeshi en-aut-sei=Nishikawa en-aut-mei=Takeshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=KyawAung Ko Ko en-aut-sei=Kyaw en-aut-mei=Aung Ko Ko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= en-aut-name=HayashiYasuhiko en-aut-sei=Hayashi en-aut-mei=Yasuhiko kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=11 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Advanced Science Research Center, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Guangdong University Key Laboratory for Advanced Quantum Dot Displays and Lighting and Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Guangdong University Key Laboratory for Advanced Quantum Dot Displays and Lighting and Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology kn-affil= affil-num=11 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=15 cd-vols= no-issue=32 article-no= start-page=12686 end-page=12694 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2024 dt-pub=20240710 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Boosting charge separation in organic photovoltaics: unveiling dipole moment variations in excited non-fullerene acceptor layers en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) has reached more than 19% due to the rapid development of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). To compete with the PCEs (26%) of commercialized silicon-based inorganic photovoltaics, the drawback of OPVs should be minimized. This drawback is the intrinsic large loss of open-circuit voltage; however, a general approach to this issue remains elusive. Here, we report a discovery regarding highly efficient NFAs, specifically ITIC. We found that charge-transfer (CT) and charge dissociation (CD) can occur even in a neat ITIC film without the donor layer. This is surprising, as these processes were previously believed to take place exclusively at donor/acceptor heterojunctions. Femtosecond time-resolved visible to mid-infrared measurements revealed that in the neat ITIC layers, the intermolecular CT immediately proceeds after photoirradiation (<0.1 ps) to form weakly-bound excitons with a binding energy of 0.3 eV, which are further dissociated into free electrons and holes with a time-constant of 56 ps. Theoretical calculations indicate that stacking faults in ITIC (i.e., V-type molecular stacking) induce instantaneous intermolecular CT and CD in the neat ITIC layer. In contrast, J-type stacking does not support such CT and CD. This previously unknown pathway is triggered by the larger dipole moment change on the excited state generated at the lower symmetric V-type molecular stacking of ITIC. This is in sharp contrast with the need of sufficient energy offset for CT and CD at the donor-acceptor heterojunction, leading to the significant voltage loss in conventional OPVs. These results demonstrate that the rational molecular design of NFAs can increase the local dipole moment change on the excited state within the NFA layer. This finding paves the way for a groundbreaking route toward the commercialization of OPVs. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=YamakataAkira en-aut-sei=Yamakata en-aut-mei=Akira kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=KatoKosaku en-aut-sei=Kato en-aut-mei=Kosaku kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=UrakamiTakumi en-aut-sei=Urakami en-aut-mei=Takumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= en-aut-name=TsujimuraSota en-aut-sei=Tsujimura en-aut-mei=Sota kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=4 ORCID= en-aut-name=MurayamaKasumi en-aut-sei=Murayama en-aut-mei=Kasumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=5 ORCID= en-aut-name=HigashiMasahiro en-aut-sei=Higashi en-aut-mei=Masahiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=6 ORCID= en-aut-name=SatoHirofumi en-aut-sei=Sato en-aut-mei=Hirofumi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=7 ORCID= en-aut-name=KoboriYasuhiro en-aut-sei=Kobori en-aut-mei=Yasuhiro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=8 ORCID= en-aut-name=UmeyamaTomokazu en-aut-sei=Umeyama en-aut-mei=Tomokazu kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=9 ORCID= en-aut-name=ImahoriHiroshi en-aut-sei=Imahori en-aut-mei=Hiroshi kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=10 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil=Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=4 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University kn-affil= affil-num=5 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University kn-affil= affil-num=6 en-affil=Department of Complex Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University kn-affil= affil-num=7 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= affil-num=8 en-affil=Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University kn-affil= affil-num=9 en-affil=Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo kn-affil= affil-num=10 en-affil=Department of Molecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University kn-affil= END start-ver=1.4 cd-journal=joma no-vol=5 cd-vols= no-issue=9 article-no= start-page=884 end-page=890 dt-received= dt-revised= dt-accepted= dt-pub-year=2024 dt-pub=20240731 dt-online= en-article= kn-article= en-subject= kn-subject= en-title= kn-title=Novel strategy for activating gene expression through triplex DNA formation targeting epigenetically suppressed genes en-subtitle= kn-subtitle= en-abstract= kn-abstract=Triplex DNA formation is a useful genomic targeting tool that is expected to have a wide range of applications, including the antigene method; however, there are fundamental limitations in its forming sequence. We recently extended the triplex DNA-forming sequence to methylated DNA sequences containing 5mCG base pairs by developing guanidino-dN, which is capable of recognizing a 5mCG base pair with high affinity. We herein investigated the effect of triplex DNA formation using TFOs with guanidino-dN on methylated DNA sequences at the promoter of the RASSF1A gene, whose expression is epigenetically suppressed by DNA methylation in MCF-7 cells, on gene expression. Interestingly, triplex DNA formation increased the expression of the RASSF1A gene at the transcript and protein levels. Furthermore, RASSF1A-activated MCF-7 cells exhibited cell growth suppressing activity. Changes in the expression of various genes associated with the promotion of apoptosis and breast cancer survival accompanied the activation of RASSF1A in cells exhibited antiproliferative activity. These results suggest the potential of increases in gene expression through triplex DNA formation as a new genomic targeting tool. en-copyright= kn-copyright= en-aut-name=NotomiRyotaro en-aut-sei=Notomi en-aut-mei=Ryotaro kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=1 ORCID= en-aut-name=SasakiShigeki en-aut-sei=Sasaki en-aut-mei=Shigeki kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=2 ORCID= en-aut-name=TaniguchiYosuke en-aut-sei=Taniguchi en-aut-mei=Yosuke kn-aut-name= kn-aut-sei= kn-aut-mei= aut-affil-num=3 ORCID= affil-num=1 en-affil=Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University kn-affil= affil-num=2 en-affil= Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki International University kn-affil= affil-num=3 en-affil=Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University kn-affil= END