JaLCDOI 10.18926/54540
FullText URL bhe_011_113_126.pdf
Author Wickstrum, Yuuka|
Abstract This paper outlines the historical background to Korean migration and Japanese colonialism in order to understand the birth and formation of the Korean population in Japan (Zainichi Koreans). Through this exploration, this paper shows how Japan attempted to assimilate the Koreans into the bottom of Japanese society and to destroy their ethnic identity as Koreans. It also examines how the racial discourse of the Japanese ‘superior race’ had been developed and played an integral part in justifying its socio-economic and subjugation of East Asian people including Koreans during the colonial period.
Keywords Zainichi Koreans Korean migration Japanese colonialism ethnicity
Publication Title Bulletin of Higher Education Okayama University
Published Date 2015-12-30
Volume volume11
Start Page 113
End Page 126
ISSN 1881-5952
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 40021098670
JaLCDOI 10.18926/63328
FullText URL biess_6_020_032.pdf
Author Wickstrum, Yuuka|
Abstract This paper explores the experiences of Japanese-schooled Zainichi Koreans. It analyses the differences and commonalities in terms of their education, family structure, and ethnicity. It also examines how some Japanese-schooled Koreans (re)gained their ethnic identity through their activities in the Chongryun youth group, as well as why they were attracted to the group and how their activities affected their lives and identities. The author conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with thirty-seven Zainichi Koreans, including eighteen Japanese-schooled Zainichi Koreans, from 2007 and 2010. This research shows differences in schools and education are the major source of divisions in the Zainichi population and the subsequent formations of their identities.
Keywords Zainichi Koreans education Japanese schools Ryugakudo identity ethnicity
Publication Title Bulletin of Institute for Education and Student Services, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-12-30
Volume volume6
Start Page 20
End Page 32
ISSN 2432-9665
language English
File Version publisher