JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/52428
Title Alternative Assessment of the brain function by evoked potentials: analysis of the late components of visual evoked potentials recorded from the vertex
FullText URL 116_0091_0095.pdf
Author Sanada, Satoshi| Yanagihara, Masafumi| Hayashi, Yuko|
Abstract Visual evoked potentials recorded from the vertex were studied in seventy four individuals with mental retardation,ranging from l old to 50 years old. They were classified into 4 groups according to the level of IQ/DQ,and the relation between the late components and the intellectual level was exarnined. In 9 of 74 cases(12.2%),la tency of the N130 component was prolonged and in 7 of 74 cases (9.6%),the P190 component was prolonged. There was,however,no correlation between the number of the cases with prolonged N130 or P190 latency and the level of IQ/DQ. Cases with prolongation in N130 and/or Pl90 were almost exclusively found among those with such complications as cerebral palsy and/or epilepsy,while few cases without complications showed prolongation. From these results,it is suggested that the prolongation in the late components developes reflecting the presence of the organic lesions that have a common causative potent producing cerebral palsy and/or epilepsy.
Keywords brain function mental retardation visual evoked potentials cerebral palsy epilepsy
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 2001
Volume volume116
Issue issue1
Start Page 91
End Page 95
ISSN 0471-4008
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005425645
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/52429
Title Alternative Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Patients with Migration Disorders
FullText URL 110_0029_0034.pdf
Author Sanada, Satoshi| Asano, Takashi| Oka, Eiji| Kawahara, Michiko| Sakae, Katsumi| Hiraki, Norio| Ohtahara, Shunsuke|
Abstract Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) can be used to detect cerebral metabolites including N-acetylaspartate (NAA),creatine (Cr) and choline (Ch). Hence,clinical applications of this method for neuropediatric diseases can be expected. However,regarding neuronal migration disorders,there have been only a few reported studies. We therefore examined the lH-MRS in six patients with migration disorders,ages ranged from 8months to 28years 10months with a mean of 10years 10months. Investigation was performed using Magnetom H15 (Siemens) with a repetition time of 1500 msec and an echo time of 270msec. The ratio of NAA/Cr,Ch/Cr were examined. The volume of interest with the size of 2 × 2 × 2 ~ 3 × 3 × 5cm3 was chosen in the area including lesions,and a contralateral area without lesions was also investigated. Results were as follows. 1) The ratio of NAA/Cr was low in the area with lesions in all 6cases; 1.41,1.95,2.27 and 1.71 in cases with heterotopic gray matter,0.99 in one case with polymicrogyria,an d 1.30 in one case with hemimegalencephaly,contrasted with a contralataral area without lesions: 1.89, 2.89,2.87,2.55,3.26,2.03,respectively. 2) The ratio of Ch/Cr showed no consistent difference between the area including lesions and contralataral area without lesions. Our findings of a decreased NAA/Cr ratio can be inferred to reflect the decreased numbers of neuronal cell population,or reduced metabolism in the lesions.
Keywords MR spectroscopy migration disorder heterotopic gray matter polymicrogyria hemimegalencephaly
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 1999
Volume volume110
Issue issue1
Start Page 29
End Page 34
ISSN 0471-4008
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005425646
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/52774
FullText URL bgeou_156_001_005.pdf
Author Sanada, Satoshi| Higa Diez, Midory| Yamane, Daiki| Kado, Yoko| Nakano, Kousuke| Ogino, Tatsuya|
Abstract  The Rey - Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) test assess visual-construction abilility, visual memory and executive function. Three different methods are traditionally used to track and to record the strokes during the production of the complex figure: single pen, switching felt pens and flowcharts. The Inkling™ is an instrument which attributes are to track, to record and to save the information of every stroke depicted in a standard piece of paper. The purpose of the study is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of using the Inkling™ in the ROCF test. 66 ROCF performances were analyzed from subjects aged 6 to 86 years old. Each subject performed the ROCF test twice; first with pen switching method without flowcharts and later with the Inkling™ or viceversa. The comparison of the performances evidenced 5 characteristics: Four subjects distracted by the color of the felt pens, three subjects interfered by the switching of the felt pens, three subjects which performance was facilitated by the colors of the felt pens, nine subjects with unclear score for Fragmentation and fourteen subjects with unclear score for Planning. The advantages that the Inkling™ showed were compensation for the process of flowcharts, avoid interference, and reduce the burden of unclear scoring for Fragmentation and Planning.
Keywords Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test cognitive assessment executive function switching felt pens method Inkling™.
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2014-07-28
Volume volume156
Start Page 1
End Page 5
ISSN 1883-2423
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120005464802
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/52775
Title Alternative Clinical application of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test for children with developmental disorders
FullText URL bgeou_156_007_013.pdf
Author Sanada, Satoshi| Ikeda, Aoi| Higa Diez, Midory| Kado, Yoko| Ogino, Tatsuya| Nakano, Kousuke| Yamane, Daiki| Yokouchi, Rie| Nouno, Shin|
Abstract  本研究では,10 名の読みや書きなどの学習面に困難を抱える発達障害をともなう子ども にWechsler式知能検査およびRey-Osterrieth複雑図形検査(ROCF)を実施し,認知特性の 実態把握の過程におけるROCFの有用性を検討した。ROCFの記録には被検者の描画過程 をデータ化してパソコンに取り込むことのできるタッチペン (Inkling™) を用い,成績評価 には,描画の質的評価も含むBoston Qualitative Scoring System (BQSS) を用いた。 Wechsler式知能検査における知覚統合や知覚推理の下位検査の得点が良好であっても, ROCFにおいて構成力や描画過程に困難が少なからず認められ,これらは学習面における困 難の背景にある病態を反映したものと考えられた。また,本検査成績を検討する上で, BQSSの概要得点の1 つである組織構成,概要得点に含まれていないクラスター要素や細部 要素の配置の評価の重要性についても論じた。
Keywords Rey-Osterrieth複雑図形検査(ROCF) Boston Qualitative Scoring System (BQSS) Inkling™ 神経心理学的検査 発達障害
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2014-07-28
Volume volume156
Start Page 7
End Page 13
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005464803