JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/52177
Title Alternative The Discourse of Darwinism in Felix Holt, the Radical
FullText URL bgeou_155_057_066.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract The present paper focuses attention on an influence of Darwinism as seen in the discourse of Felix Holt, the Radical. True George Eliot’s early and middle-period novels show signs of a vision of Natural History with its emphasis on scientific observation of the natural world. But as the impact of The Origin of Species (1859) sent a shock wave among the intellectual circle across Europe, she became growingly aware of its farreaching implications. Inevitably Eliot’s novelistic discourse has become permeated with the evolutionary outlook and terminology. Felix Holt marks a turning point in the sense that it is structurally conceived by the method of experimental science, and is clothed in its phraseology. We see how the writer’s moral and religious vision finds itself subtly reconciled with scientific world view.
Keywords 進化 有機的生命 ネメシス 仮説・検証
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2014-02-25
Volume volume155
Start Page 57
End Page 66
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005394602
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/51106
Title Alternative The Gwendolen Story in Daniel Deronda: A Reconciliation between Christian Heritage and Scientific World's View
FullText URL bgeou_153_047_057.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract The present paper aims at making clear how George Eliot attempted a reconciliation between Christian world's view and scientific rationalism. If we focus our attention to the text of Gwendolen, the heroine's matrimonial tragedy in Daniel Deronda, we become aware that the author's own view of human depravity is graphically illustrated through her insightful portrayal of the heroine's death in life in her marital impasse. The readers are invited to participate in the process of Gwendolen's youthful belief in free will turning into a bitter disappointment and disillusionment with life's reality. We recognize in this drama a plot of the protagonist's dawning sense of law through her suffering and sorrow. Thus we are shown into the inner mechanism of the heroine's conscience being forged by the tragedy. The textual analysis illuminates that the discourse of the heroine's inner drama is rich in imaginative power owing to a complex interweaving of traditional Christian phraseology and scientific one.
Keywords 科学 キリスト教 恐れ 自己放棄 良心 生理学・心理学
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2013-07-25
Volume volume153
Start Page 47
End Page 57
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005324821
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/49306
Title Alternative An Appreciation of Daniel Deronda Chapter 22: Austen's Heritage and Eliot's Innovation
FullText URL bgeou_152_011_021.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract The present paper aims at making clear how George Eliot owes a debt in style to Jane Austen in her character portrayal. Taking up Austen’s Emma and Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, we consider the qualities of prose style that are characteristic of the respective writers as seen in these novels. A comparative analysis of their discourses has brought to light a marked tendency on both sides to use negative expressions and the subjunctive. These common traits are surmised to meet an artistic challenge of creating ambiguity in the characters’psychological situations. Eliot, while inheriting Austen’s stylized English, utilizes scientific phraseology to give voice to the human drama in late nineteenth century England. Thus she adds physiological dimensions to what Austen has established. We attempt to prove this point on the basis of discourse analysis.
Keywords 『エマ』 『ダニエル・デロンダ』 曖昧性 仮定法 否定語
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2013-02-25
Volume volume152
Start Page 11
End Page 21
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005232362
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/48792
Title Alternative An Attempt for Deconstruction and Reconstruction in Daniel Deronda - George Eliot’s Vision of the Jewish Story -
FullText URL bgeou_150_035_043.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract Our aim is to make clear how George Eliot is trying to hold up a mirror in Daniel Deronda against later nineteen-century Britain in her social and spiritual context. Christian tradition, in her view, has long been settled more or less into a dead-letter conventionalism. She finds in Jewish way of life a comparative viewpoint from which she can look closely at her own cultural background. In order to restore a living religion into the whole fabric of society, Hebrew language and its organic vision of history seem to Eliot to give a valuable hint for British people to learn from. Her awareness of this finds expression in a thread of the Jewish story woven in parallel with the English one. We will examine this sense of purpose on the part of the novelist on the evidence of the text.
Keywords ユダヤ文化 キリスト教 聖書批評 意味探究 予型論 実験科学
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2012-07-27
Volume volume150
Start Page 35
End Page 43
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120004680838
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/47128
Title Alternative An Analysis and Some Considerations of Empirical Lessons in the Unit "Forest, Atmosphere and Life" in Elementary Social Studies Education (6) : An Analysis and Some Considerations of Learners' Reflection (2)
Author Takayama, Yoshiharu| Koga, Kazuo|
Abstract 本研究は,小学校6年生を対象に開発した単元「森林と大気と生活」の学習書(個別学習用)に基づいて実施した実験授業の結果を分析したものである。実験授業の結果,問題集,作文,推せん課題レポート,アンケート等のデータを得ることができた。これらのデータを分析・考察することによって,開発した学習書が個別学習用教材として適切であったか,どのような社会認識を形成したか,実験授業によって社会認識がどのように変化したか,その理由はなにかなどを明らかにすることを目的としている。本稿は,「自ら学ぶ力」の育成という目標から設定された「勉強力」,「学びとる力」,「成長力」などの視点から,「感想B」 の分析を行い,実験授業に取り組んだ自分をどのように反省しているかを明らかにした。
Keywords 実験授業 反省 感想 自ら学ぶ力 集中
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2011-10-25
Volume volume148
Start Page 119
End Page 125
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40019145342
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/47127
Title Alternative Reception and Skepticism of Science in George Eliot: In Focus of Lydgate's Portrait in Middlemarch (2)
FullText URL bgeou_148_109_118.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract The purpose of the present paper is to keep track on the process of Lydgate's moral decline in Middlemarch. His idealism as a medical doctor is observed to be inadequate in rescuing himself from his ruined marriage. His bitter conflict with Rosamond, his wife, is seen to be partly due to her self-absorption, and partly due to his unquestioning reliance on his professional capability. Eliot's penetrating insight into the causes of their marital unhappiness is in focus upon relevant textual analyses. The author's artistic use of a family of metaphors is seen as carefully planned to be organically integrated into the fictional structure. This is, in our view, the secret of success in producing a rich echo of resonance in her style. Thus the story of the protagonist's pride, suffering, and incomplete redemption is traced from a stylistic viewpoint.
Keywords 仮説検証 プロット 聖書批評 生理学 心理学
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2011-10-25
Volume volume148
Start Page 109
End Page 118
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40019145328
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/47100
Title Alternative Reception and Skepticism of Science in George Eliot: In Focus of Lydgate's Portrait in Middlemarch (1)
FullText URL bgeou_147_027_034.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract We aim at clarifying how scientific world view and its methods are penetrated into the text of Middlemarch, and how scientific way of thinking and language contribute to changing the structure and style of the English novel. With this sense of awareness in view, we try to make clear how George Eliot attempts to reconcile the conflict between her cherished Christian outlook and terminology with the method of verifying hypotheses through experiments. Among the author's fictional presentations, we find that a heated discussion between biblical language and physiological, psychological one is evident in the protagonists portraits. For an example of this, we take up specific passages of Lydgate's delineation, and analyze how the novelist explored an innovative method of enlarging the dimension in character portrait.
Keywords 聖書批評 自然法則 実験科学 ロマン派的物質主義 心の科学
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院教育学研究科研究集録
Published Date 2011-06-25
Volume volume147
Start Page 27
End Page 34
ISSN 1883-2423
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120003550991
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/13298
FullText URL 136_085_092.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu| Zhang Bin|
Keywords political slogans CDA (critical discourse analysis) depth hermeneutical methodology ideology culture
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 2007-10-25
Volume volume136
Issue issue1
Start Page 85
End Page 92
ISSN 0471-4008
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002310373
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/12810
Title Alternative The Process of a Search for Meaning in Middlemarch
FullText URL 137_091_102.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract The present paper focuses attention on the process of a search for meaning conducted by Dorothea the major protagonist in George Eliot's Middlemarch during her days of the honeymoon in Rome. The process of her growing awareness of Casaubon her husband's pathetic reality is seen to represent her emergence from narcissistic idealism into a higher vision of seeing things as they are and sympathizing with fallible fellow beings. First it is made clear that Dorothea's self-idealized sense of devotion in regard to her subsequent husband Will Ladislaw the romantic voice of George Eliot's own. Then we place the process of Dorothea's self-discovery in the light of the author's own spiritual autobiography. Lastly we bring into focus a stylistic analysis of the discource depicting Dorothea's awakening. Thus we see how scientific imagination and the romantic vision of seeing into a whole organic unity behind the seeming miscellaneousness strike a subtle balance in the conception of Dorothea's drama.
Keywords 意味解釈 歴史主義的聖書批評 実験科学 生理学 ロマンティシズム
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 2008-02-25
Volume volume137
Issue issue1
Start Page 91
End Page 102
ISSN 0471-4008
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002304833
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/11173
FullText URL 135_0085_0093.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract Major literary works are, as is generally admitted, a mirror in which multiple currents of any particular age are faithfully reflected. Upon reading Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield (hereafter referred to as The Vicar, 1766), one cannot resist an impression that this is especially true of the work. What strikes us is a pervasive atmosphere of harmony between man and nature and a keen sense of poetry to be enjoyed heartily in the characters' daily life. These are reflected in the narration by Primrose the protagonist and Anglican clergyman. True we see in the work signs of an uneasy relationship between the haves and the have-nots due in part to the abuse of power by the former at the sacrifice of the latter; and due in part to the age's legacy of surviving brutality, the miserable condition of life, and the resulting social ills in the lower order of society. Also, we discern in it signs of the incipient decay of the traditional village community. Still, the village life retains its wholeness and integrity in the fabric of a close-knit human network based on its agricultural way of life.
Keywords 伝統的住宅 木造戸建住宅 居住者管理 家庭清掃
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 2007-06-25
Volume volume135
Issue issue1
Start Page 85
End Page 93
ISSN 0471-4008
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313342
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/11003
FullText URL 134_0113_0118.pdf
Author Fukunaga, Shintetsu|
Abstract we look closely at George Eliot's essays and book reviews, it dawns upon us that biblical criticism was one of the few central concerns she held consistently over her years of essay and review writing. Already in 1851 she exhibited a formidable knowledge of the critical study of the Bible as we see its best fruit in the reviews entitled "R.W.Marckay's The Progress of Christendom." These are powerful enough testimonies to make us realize that her historical study of the Bible was a mirror in which her path of self-discovery had been reflected. Naturally enough we can see in them Marian's (earlier George Eliot's) mature thoughts on religion and science. And these, as some of the major critics of the age agree, represent the voice of the nineteenth century.
Keywords biblical criticism natural history accommodation theory Scriptural history Feuerbach
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 2007-03
Volume volume134
Issue issue1
Start Page 113
End Page 118
ISSN 0471-4008
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313786