Author 岡山大学温泉研究所|
Published Date 1959-10
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume26
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40238
Title Alternative Clinical Study on the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Part I. Therapeutic Experiences by Hot Spring Bath and "Fango" using Clay of Nigyo-pass
FullText URL pitsr_026_001_007.pdf
Author Izumi, Tomokuni|
Abstract Rheumatoid arthritis, thought incurable for many years, was treated by radioactive hot spring bath and uranium deposit clay at Ningyo-pass. The therapeutic effects of balneotherapy and "Fango" were stUdied comparatively. Results of hot spring bath for one month were effective in 63 of 73 cases (86.3 per cent), and 60 per cent even in (222) chr., in which attaind Grade III. It was thought that therapeutic effect of bathing on (222) chr. was increased using together with adrenocortical hormone. Uranium deposit clay at Ningyo-pass was used on 59 cases of this disease, in form of "Fango" and local bath in mud. It was effective in 60.8 per cent of 171 joints, and in 53.4 per cent of 131 joints of (222) chr. It showed that this was valuable as a local therapy for those incurable types of the disease.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-10
Volume volume26
Start Page 1
End Page 7
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002462886
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40239
Title Alternative Clinical Study on the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Part II. Experiences of Intraarticular Injection of Prednisolone for Rheumatoid Arthritis
FullText URL 026_008_019.pdf
Author Izumi, Tomokuni|
Abstract Meticorterone (Prednisolone acetate) were injected into joints of 33 cases of rheumatoid arthritis, 172 times in total, with better results. Although intraarticular injection of prednisolone is, at present, to be one of the most effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, one must pay attention at the appearance of general effect in frequent and abundant injection. Comparative studies were performed on the effects of intraarticular injectons of prednisolone T. B. A, (on twelve cases), hydrocortisone acetate and meticorterone. Prednisolone T. B. A. was proved markedly longer effect in local with minimum general effect, It was, therefore, thought that prednisolone T. B. A. was safest and most effective in intraarticular therapy on the rheumatoid arthritis.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-10
Volume volume26
Start Page 8
End Page 19
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40240
Title Alternative Clinical Study on the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Part III. Experiences of Capsulosynovectomia Genu Anterior Totalis for Rheumatoid Arthritis
FullText URL 026_020_030.pdf
Author Izumi, Tomokuni|
Abstract Capsulosynovectomia genu anterior totalis was performed on five cases had marked hydrops and capsular thickening of joints, in which intraarticular injection of hydrocortisone or prednisolone, balneotherapy and hydrotherapy had been repeated in vain for long period with long standing pain and gradual decrease in motor function. The progress was observed for six to seventeen months after the operation, obtaining following results. Rheumatic symptoms were significantly improved after operation and restortion of function was also valuable. No exacerbations in the other joints and general condition were noted with rather improvement in the sign. Further, these operated joints became to react better, differ from preoperative, to balneotherapy and "Fango" with noticeable effects on the restoration of articular function. In histological findings of the resected synovia four cases showed Rs. and one Fr. by T. Kodama's classification. It is, therefore, recommended to appreciate this kind of operation on the cases shown no effects in the treatment of adrenocortical hormone or hot spring bath, which led to the decrease in gait ability, on the standpoint of medical rehabilitation.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-10
Volume volume26
Start Page 20
End Page 30
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40241
Title Alternative Clinical Studies on Anemia in Rheumatoid Arthritis (II)
FullText URL 026_031_049.pdf
Author Yamamoto, Yasuhisa|
Abstract II. Iron Metabolism 1. The serum iron: The serum iron was estimated by the method of Umemoto and Yamamoto (by means of o-nitroso resorcinmonomethylether) The average serum iron level of 33 cases with rheumatoid arthritis was 47γ/100 ml., and in 27 of 33 cases (82%) the serum iron levels were shown to be below the lower limit of the normal range (5% rejection limit: 54-141γ/100 ml. ), but the concentrations of serum iron of neuralgias (degenerative Spondylosis, sciatica and painful shoulder) were mostly within the normal range. 2. Iron absorption: To investigate the possible role of poor absorption in preventing a response to oral iron therapy, the changes in serum iron were followed after a test of iron by mouth in 16 caseS with rheumatoid arthritis. The test dose was 1 gm. of reduced iron given with 30 mI. of lemonade-pepsin solution to preserve the iron in the ferrous state and obviate the effects of possible achlorhydria in rheumatoid patients. The results may be grouped under three headings: a) Large rise in serum iron: good adsorption. Three caseS (19%) showed a very large rise in serum iron after the test dose, which is similar to simple iron-deficiency anemia. b) Slight rise in serum iron: presumed poor absorption. Six cases (38%) showed a very small or negligible rise after the test dose, so that at its peak the serum iron was below the normal range. c) In the remaining 7 cases, a maximal rise in serum iron after the test dose was within the normal range. 3. The iron-binding capacity of the serum: The iron-binding capacity of the serum was estimated by means of intravenous injection of Gluferricon (Fe content: 10 mg.). The mean total iron-binding capacity of the serum in the present 13 cases with rheumatoid arthritis was 273γ/100ml., virtually the same as the normal figure (287γ /100 ml.). The degree of saturation of the iron-binding protein with iron was found to lie between 18 and 45% (average: 34%) in control sUbjects and between 7 and 24% (average: 16%) in rheumatoid patients. 4. The serum copper: The serum copper was estimated by means of diethyldithiocarbamate in rheumatoid arthritis with the following results. Healthy subjects: men (15 cases): mean 89.9±14.8γ /l00 ml., women (15 cases): mean 99.9± 12.6γ/100 ml. There is no significant difference between the two. In 10 of 17 cases (57%) with rheumatoid arthritis, the serum copper levels were shown to be above the upper limit of the normal range (57-138γ/100 ml. ・・・5% rejection limit), neuralgias were mostly (92%) within the normal range. The results of investigations upon alternations in iron metabolism of rheumatoid anemia are reported. 1. The serum iron concentration was usually reduced. 2. The intestinal absorption of iron after a single dose of 1 gm. of reduced iron was variable. Strong presumptive evidence of impaired absorption waS recognised in many cases, but some cases gave the excellent absorption. From these results, it seems that simple iron deficiency exist in some anemic caseS of rheumatoid arthritis. 3. The total iron-binding capacity of the serum was slightly reduced. 4. The degree of Saturation of iron-binding protein with iron was below nornal. 5. The serum copper concentration waS usually elevated.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-10
Volume volume26
Start Page 31
End Page 49
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40242
Title Alternative Clinical Studies on Anemia in Rheumatoid Arthritis (III)
FullText URL 026_050_063.pdf
Author Yamamoto, Yasuhisa|
Abstract III. The Effects of Balneotherapy and Antianemics on Anemia in Rheumatoid Arthritis 1. Balneotherapy: The author investigated the changes of the peripheral blood picture, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, numbers of finger-ring (Wheatsheaf's ring-test) and grasping power (by means of hand-dynamometer or sphygmometer) before and after baneotherapy. The regimen of spa treatment in our hospital includes bathing in radioactive hot spring (42-3°C. in temperature)two or three times a day, local mud bath or mud pack (once or twice a day, massage and drinking of spring water. These measures performed for one or two months. When the spa treatment has finished the erythrocyte count and Hb-content of rheumatoid patients increased in 61% of 33 cases examined comparing with before treatment, leucocyte count tended to shift to normal and E.S.R. decreased in 58% of the cases. The swelling of the finger joints diminished. 2. Oral iron therapy: In previous report, the author verified that there exist simple iron deficiency anemia in some cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Oral iron therapy responded well in such cases, but the majority of cases were resistant to oral iron. 3. Transfusion of blood in rheumatoid anemia: The author transfused 100 ml. of blood once a day for 5-10 days in 11 rheumatoid anemic patients. By the treatment of transfusion, the findings in peripheral blood improved and E.S.R. decreased.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-10
Volume volume26
Start Page 50
End Page 63
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher