JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/9782
Title Alternative Reprint of Mutobe Yoshika's "Michi no Hitokoto"
FullText URL 112_0201_0205.pdf
Author Yamanaka, Yoshikazu|
Abstract ここに翻刻するのは、六人部是香著『道之一言』の本文および跋文である。同書は豊橋市立中央図書館所蔵本であり、「参河国羽田八幡宮文庫」の旧蔵印が押された、嘉永六年初冬の刊記のある版本である。著者の六人部是香(寛政十~文久三)は山城国乙訓郡向日神社の神主であり、平田篤胤門の国学者である。
Keywords 史料翻刻 六人部是香 『道之一言』
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 1999
Volume volume112
Issue issue1
Start Page (1
End Page 5)
ISSN 0471-4008
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129449
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/9778
Title Alternative 英語教育と異文化理解
FullText URL 112_0123_0133.pdf
Author Takatsuka, Shigenobu|
Abstract In this paper an attempt is made to answer the question of whether teaching English contributes to greater cross-cultural understanding on the part of learners in Japan. It starts with questioning and exploring the mindsets of those involved in English language teaching and leaning, i.e., Japanese learners of English, Japanese teachers of English, native speakers of English, and native speaker researchers. It then argues that those mindsets have been interfering with the facilitation of cross-cultural understanding on the part of Japanese learners of English through teaching English as a foreign language. Finally, it concludes with a proposal that those involved in teaching and learning English should not conceive native speaker competence as their goal.
Keywords English language teaching cross-cultural understanding mindsets native speakers of English non-native speakers of English native speaker competence
Publication Title 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
Published Date 1999
Volume volume112
Issue issue1
Start Page 123
End Page 133
ISSN 0471-4008
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002311071