Annual Reports of Misasa Medical Center, Okayama University volume76
2008-03-01 発行

Fluticasone 投与にもかかわらず症状が軽快ぜすn-3系不飽和脂肪酸強化食による食事療法及びモンテルカストが著効した気管支喘息の1例

Takata, Shingo Kaken ID publons
Ashida, Kozo Kaken ID researchmap
Hosaki, Yasuhiro
Hamada, Masanori
Iwagaki, Naofumi
Kikuchi, Hiroshi publons
Mitsunobu, Fumihiro Kaken ID publons researchmap
Publication Date
A 25-year-old woman had the chief complaint of recurrent episodes of dyspnea and wheeze. Asthma had been diagnosed at infant years and sometimes experienced asthma attacks. She graduated senior high school and entered technical school in Tokyo. She received fluticasone (400μg daily) but exacerbation continued after she became an office clerk. She returned Kurashiki in October 2001 but had wheeze and asthma exacerbations. She was admitted to our hospital for evaluation and treatment of bronchial asthma on August 2, 2002. After admission, her symptoms subsided within some days. She was treated with montelukast and perilla seed oil-rich supplementation . The number of eosinophils decreased, decrease was observed in leukotriene (LT) B4 generation and in LTC4 generation, and pulmonary function improved following montelukast and perilla seed oil-rich supplementation for 4 weeks. The patient had no exacerbation under treatment and was discharged from the hospital on September 2, 2002. For some patients with persistent asthma, inhaled corticosteroids may fail to achieve adequate control possibly because corticosteroids do not completely inhibit the synthesis and release of cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) in the lung. Montelukast blocks the interaction of cysLTs with their receptor and resulting downstream events and perilla seed oil-rich diet suppresses LT generation. Combination therapy with montelukast and perilla seed oil-rich diet is more effective than montelukast or perilla seed oil-rich diet alone because of additive effects of montelukast with perilla seed oil-rich diet. We suggest that montelukast and perilla seed oil-rich supplementation are effective options when bronchial asthma patients receive inhaled corticosteroid but exacerbation continues.
モンテルカスト (montelukast)
気管支喘息 (bronchial asthma)
ロイコトリエンC4 (leukotriene C4)
エゴマ油食 (perilla seed oil-rich supplementation)
フルチカゾン (fluticasone)