Annual Reports of Misasa Medical Center, Okayama University volume67
1996-11 発行

気管支喘息に対する複合温泉療法の作用機序 2.内分泌・自律神経系および心因的要素に対する効果

Mifune, Takashi
Mitsunobu, Fumihiro Kaken ID publons researchmap
Hosaki, Yasuhiro
Ashida, Kozo Kaken ID researchmap
Yokota, Satoshi
Tsugeno, Hirofumi
Takeuchi, Kazuaki
Nawa, Yuichiro
Tanizaki, Yoshiro
Saito, Katsuyoshi
Publication Date
Actions of spa therapy on endocrine-autonomic nerve system and psychological factors were analyzed in patients with bronchial asthma. In endocrine function, serum levels of cortisol and ACTH tended to increase after spa therapy. In autonomic nerve system, decrease in concentrations of serum adrenalin and noradrenalin was observed after spa therapy, and the difference between the initial levels before spa therapy and the levels after the therapy was significant in serum levels of adrenalin. However, serum levels of substance P and Bradykinin were not affected by spa therapy. To evaluate the action of spa therapy on mental condition in patients with asthma, four kinds of psychological tests, CMI, SDS, CAl and SD, were carried out. Improvement of mental disorders in patients with asthma is observed after spa therapy in all psychological tests. These results suggest that spa therapy acts effectively on endocrine-autonomic nerve system and improve psychological conditions.
Bronchial asthma (気管支喘息)
Spa therapy (温泉療法)
Endocrine-autonomic nerve system (内分泌・自律神経系)
Psychological disorders (心的要素)