Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on Amino Acid Metabolism in Blood Dyscrasias and Malignant Tumors Part Ⅱ. Studies on Amino Acid Metabolism in Blood Dyscrasias, Especially in Hypoplastic Anemia

Watanabe, Eiichi
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Published Date
(1) An unidentified peak found in the serum of hypoplastic anemia is thought to be L-sarcosine, L-homocitrulline or α-amino-n-butyric acid. The pattern, however, varies from case to case as shown in the data of thin-layer-chromatography. It suggests a deversity of cause or pathogenesis of this disorder. (2) A peak indicative of Asparagine, Glutamine and X (some unidentified substance) was found in the urine of hypoplastic anemia. (3) Some abnormality in amino acid was found in the mitchondrial fraction of the bone marrow aspirate of hypoplastic anemia. The result is interesting as compared with the abnormality of nuclear found in acute leukemia.