Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on the Tissue Culture of Spleen Part 3. On the Clinical Application

Shimazaki, Koichi
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Published Date
The author employed securely laparoscopy in performing direct vision splenic biopsy, cultured the biopsied human splenic tissue using the clinical tissue culture method of spleen, and obtained the following conclusions. 1) In the lighting observation of spleen using laparoscopy , about half the number of both leukemia and Banti's disease showed change in the character of surface , namely, color, hardness, enlargement, atrophie, unevenness and adhesion. In the histological observations of biopsied splenic tissue, although all cases of lekemia showed the infiltration of leukemic cells, the determination of infiltrated cells in an acute lymphocytic leukemia and two cases of monocytic leukemia was difficult. In adout 70 per cents of Banti's disease the histological observations which suspected this disease were shown. In the splenogram of all cases of leukemia, the infiltration of various leukemic cells was seen respectively, and the determination of infiltrated cells was possible. While in the splenogram of Banti's disease no significant pathological findings were obtained. 2) In the splenic tissue culture of acute leukemia including monocytic leukemia, the boundaries of the growrh zone were well-defined and clear-cut, the cell density increased markedly and cells in the growth zone were mostly lymphoblasts and young lymphocytes in the case of acute lymphocytic leukemia, myeloblasts and immature granulocytic cells in the case of myelogenous leukemia, and monoblasts and promonocytes in the case of monocytic leukemia. 3) In chronic myelogenous leukemia double growth zone was not shown but the similar pattern to that of acute leukemia was seen. 4) In leukemoid reaction the pattern of splenic tissue growth was similar to that of normal human spleen, however in the growth zone numerous myelogenous cells, many of which were immature, were seen. 5) In Banti's disease the growth was somewhat reduced. In the terminal stage, splenic reticulum cells and fibroblasts tended to increase. 6) In aplastic anemia the growth pattern was similar to that of normal spleen, howevrer a few immature myelogenous cells were always found in the rowth zone. 7) In chronic Werlhof's disease the growth pattern gshowed that of normal spleen, except that many megakaryocytes with diminished function appeared in the growth zone. 8) In leukemic reticuloendotheliosis the growth pattern resembled that of acute lekemia. The growth zone was composed of the same lymphoblastoid cells as found in the peripheral blood and larger young cells. 9) In infection the growth pattern resembled the normal but its growth was remarkable and mature neutrophils were increased markedly. From these results the author thought that the clinical tissue culture method of spleen, when it was performed in company with the clinical tissue culture method of bone marrow, had important clinical significance for making clear various blood diseases and other diseases mit splenomegaly.