Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Experimental study on the water content, minerals and pathological changes of the cortex of cats' brain with various kinds of brain edema Part III. Experimental study on the pathological changes of the motor cortex of cats' brain with various kinds of brain edema

Ofuji, Hiroshi
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Published Date
The writer investigated the motor cortex macroscopically and microscopically. An edematous change was observed in the cases of brain edema caused by ligation of the bilateral jugular veins, injection of destilled water into the carotid artery. In the cases of brain edema caused by experimental commotio cerebri, degeneration of the nerve cells was considerably marked besides the edematous change. Thus the edematous change was most striking in those with injection of destilled water into the carotid artery, while the degeneration of the nerve cells was marked in those with commotio cerebri. In the cases with experimental chronic internal hydrocephalus, the edematous change was slight, but the degeneration was relatively marked. This seems to be due to the longer experimental period for the hydrocephalus than others. In the cases of brain edema caused by irrigation of warm physiologic saline solution upon the surface of brain, the edematous change couldn't be observed, but degeneration was marked, thus the swelling type was seen. These pathological findings are understood to correspond to the changes of the water content and the minerals.