Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Mucoprotein Concentrations in Psychotics Ⅲ. Plasma Mucoprotein Concentration in Cerebral Blood and Mucoprotein Concentration of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid

Otuski, Saburo
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Published Date
Quantitatiye Changes of mucoprotein concentration in the blood of internal jugular vein as well as in the cerebrospinal fluid by shock treatments, were studied. The mucoprotein concentration was measured by Winzler's tyrosine method. 1) In the case of the untreated and those immediately after ECT and those five hours afterwards, plasma mucoprotein concentrations in the blood of internal jugular vein hardly differ from that of the blood in the cubital artery, whereas twenty hours after ECT, plasma mucoprotein concentration in the blood of internal jugular vein shows a slightly higher value than that in the blood of the cubital artery. 2) Mucoprotein concentrations of cerebro-spinal fluid both during ECT and the insulin shock therapy, compared with untreated group, indicate rather higher values but the differences in value of two groups are statistically not significant.