Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Application of "Gierison" for Dermato-Urological Diseases

Wada, Masayuki
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"Gerison" (Yamanouchi, Japan), Preparation of azo- dye stuff was applied to 48 cases af the patients who came to our clinic, namely 33 cases of gonorrhoea, 8 casee of suppurative diseases, 4 cases of urinary diseases with Bac. coli and 3 other diseases of urinary organs. From the results obtained here, the efficacy of this medicine may be summarized as follows: (1) In cases of injeetion. a) At leaet, it has no more value than the acridin preparations for gonorrhoea. b) It is effective for suppurative diseases. c) It has no efficacy for the diseases with Bac. coli. d) Application of "Gerison" for the prevention of suppuration to the patients who were subjeeted to the urological operation, is not so effective. e) It produced no secondary reaction in any patient after the injection, but the patients complained of fairly severe pain at the place of injection. (2) In cases of internal application. a) Comparing with any medicine used here for internal apPlieation or for injection, "Gerison" showed most excellent efficacy for gonorrhoea. b) Also for suppurative diseases, it is fairly effective. c) Patients of urinary diseases, with Bac, coli, were unexpectedly cured by internal application of "Gerison." d) Application for the prevention of suppuration of urinary patients after operation, is effective. e) Almost all of the patients who received "Gerison", complained of fairiy heavy loss of appetite. Rarely, the light vomitting followed after the application, but some of them remained normal. From these observations, it may be noted that "Gerison" is not a good medicine to be used for injection in cases of urinary diseases, but for the internal application it 's very effective.