Acta Medica Okayama volume74 issue3
2020-06 発行

Formulas to Estimate Appropriate Surgical Amounts of Unilateral Recession-Resection in Intermittent Exotropia with Distance-Near Disparity

Shibata, Kiyo Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama University Hospital
Hamasaki, Ichiro Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama University Hospital
Toshima, Shinji Department of Ophthalmology, Kurashiki Medical Center
Shimizu, Takehiro Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama University Hospital
Kono, Reika Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama University Hospital ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
Miyata, Manabu Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
Morisawa, Shin Department of Ophthalmology, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center
Furuse, Takashi Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama Saiseikai General Hospital
Hasebe, Satoshi Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama Saiseikai General Hospital
Ohtsuki, Hiroshi Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama Saiseikai General Hospital
Morizane, Yuki Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama University Hospital Kaken ID publons
Shiraga, Fumio Department of Ophthalmology, Okayama University Hospital Kaken ID researchmap
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to derive new formulas to provide an optimal surgical procedure and optimal amount of recession-resection (RR) surgery in intermittent exotropia (IXT) with a disparity in angle of deviation depending on the fixation distance. The records of 117 consecutive patients with IXT who underwent RR surgery between March 2008 and December 2011 at Okayama University Hospital were retrospectively examined. Multivariable linear regression analysis was performed using the observed corrective angle of deviation at distance or near fixation as the dependent variable, and amounts of lateral rectus muscle (LR) recession (mm) and medial rectus muscle (MR) resection, and age at surgery (years) as independent variables. Two simultaneous formulas were derived: corrective angle of deviation at distance fixation (°)=1.8×recession (mm)+1.6× resection (mm)+0.15×age (years)–6.6, and corrective angle at near fixation (°)=1.5×recession (mm)+1.7× resection (mm)+0.18×age (years)–3.8. Comparisons of coefficient values of the formulas between distance and near fixation revealed that LR recession was more affected by the corrective angle in distance than near fixation. MR resection was more affected at near than distance fixation. We found that our new formulas estimated the appropriate amount of unilateral RR surgery.
Document Type
Original Article
surgical amount
intermittent exotropia
recession and resection procedure
strabismus surgery
recurrent exotropia
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