ID 54421
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Kikuchi, Satoru Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kagawa, Shunsuke Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
Ohara, Toshiaki Departments of Pathology and Experimental Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
Kubota, Tetsushi Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kuwada, Kazuya Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kagawa, Tetsuya Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kuroda, Shinji Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Shirakawa, Yasuhiro Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences ORCID Kaken ID publons
Nishizaki, Masahiko Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Kaken ID publons
Fujiwara, Toshiyoshi Departments of Gastroenterological Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences ORCID Kaken ID publons researchmap
A 69-year-old man underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early gastric cancer (EGC) at the lesser curvature in the angle of stomach. Histological examination revealed tub1, pM, ly0, v0, pLM(-), pVM(-), and the resection was considered curative. The scar after ESD was followed by esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and biopsy. Twenty months later, EGD showed an ulcerative lesion in the vicinity of the ESD scar, and histological examination of the biopsy specimen showed adenocarcinoma. A distal gastrectomy with lymph node dissection was then performed. Postoperative pathology showed tub1, pM, pN0, ly0, v0, and Stage 1A. Skip lesions were seen in the specimen resected by ESD, and the histological review confirmed so-called “dysplasia-like atypia” (DLA) between the lesions. It has been reported recently that in DLA, the dysplasia-like change involves only the bases of the pits, without upper pit or surface epithelium involvement, and it is said that the rate of DLA is higher in gastric cancer patients. We speculated that a precancerous lesion close to the resected cancer developed into a local recurrence.
dysplasia-like atypia
early gastric cancer
endoscopic submucosal dissection
local recurrence
Amo Type
Case Report
Publication Title
Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date
Okayama University Medical School
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Content Type
Journal Article
Copyright Holders
CopyrightⒸ 2016 by Okayama University Medical School
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PubMed ID
Web of Science KeyUT